A day in the life of …
“Mr. Josh” Donaldson, a long-term substitute teacher here at SMS.

Question: At what time do you wake up to come to school?
Answer: I wake up at 6:30am.
Q: At what time do you leave school to go home?
A: I leave at 3:15pm.
Q: How do you deal with kids every day?
A: I try not to take what they say or do too seriously.
Q: How many subjects have you taught?
A: I have taught every subject.
Q: How many periods do you teach?
A: I teach six periods.
Q: What is your favorite class?
A: My favorite class is always first period because the students show up and do well.
A day in the life of …
Mrs. Carol Lubetich, a History teacher in the SMS Kinesiology Magnet.

Question: At what time do you wake up to come to school?
Answer: I wake up at 4:30am.
Q: At what time do you leave school to go home?
A: I leave school at 3:30pm.
Q: How do you deal with kids every day?
A: I do Ms. Perrigue’s yoga.
Q: How many subjects have you taught?
A: I have taught every subject.
Q: How many periods do you teach?
A: I teach all eight periods.
Q: What is your favorite class?
A: My favorite class is the last period because it’s the last period of the day.