MLS Champion soccer team LAFC came to our school in October and left us a HUGE gift!
On Wednesday, October 16th, the Los Angeles Football Club, also known as LAFC, visited Sepulveda Middle School’s P.E. area to celebrate the grand opening of a new Futsal court. They partnered with Kaiser Permanente to sponsor the court for our school team and our PE students.

We are so happy with our new Futsal court!
What is a Futsol court and how is it different from a soccer field? A Futsal court is much smaller than a soccer field. It has a hardcourt, like a basketball court. For play, teams have five players each. Since the area is smaller, play is more intense and there are more chances of making a goal.
Back at the Futsal court, there were a lot of people at the ceremony including famous LAFC soccer players Carlos Vela, Nathan Ordaz, and Hugo Lloris, and our own Principal Gabriel Ortega. They were giving out their autographs (even Mr. Ortega!). The experience was one of a kind. I knew that I would never see those famous people ever again, but I was so happy to meet them and to shake their hands. It was so cool!

In an interview with The Grizzly Gazette, Mr. Ortega told us that LAUSD’s Beyond the Bell people came to him with the original idea. Mr. Ortega liked the idea and began the long proposal process to get the project done. Beyond the Bell then partnered up with LAFC and Kaiser Permanente to make our Futsal court a reality. “Our mission is to make sure the students have a place to enjoy themselves. The who project was about two years in the making,” explained Ortega.
At the event, there were a lot of things to do, including playing against the other soccer players. The LAFC coaches were also running drills with us. It was so fun!
At the end of the event, LAFC gave us all gift bags filled with cool merch inside, like hats, notebooks, and much more.
So, next time you walk by the new soccer court, you can know that it is a special gift we got from a very special team. Thank you, LAFC!
Futsal vs Soccer | Brisbane Central Futsal. (n.d.). Brisbane Central Futsal. https://www.brisbanecentralfutsal.com/futsal-academy/futsal-vs-soccer/#:~:text=WHAT%20ARE%20THE%20DIFFERENCES%20BETWEEN,more%20opportunity%20for%20goal%20scoring.