As many of you know, Mr. Estrada is an 8th grade English teacher at Sepulveda Middle School and I decided to ask him a few interesting questions.
Question: What made you decide to be a teacher?
What made me decide to be a teacher was my love for stories and for all the English teachers I had in school.
Question: What do you think about SMS students?
Answer: I think the majority of them are very bright however, some are challenging but most of them are fun.

Question: What’s better: Kamen Rider or Power Rangers?
Answer: Kamen Rider absolutely.
Question: How were you in Middle school and High school?
Answer: I was a quiet kid, fairly good grades and number one student in Cross Country (racing).

Question: What is special about being a younger teacher?
Answer: I can reach out to veteran teachers for information, knowledge and advice for teaching.
Question: What college did you go to?
Answer: I went to Aurora University in Illinois, went for Cross Country and became #3 overall 10k runner.

Question: What’s your favorite movie?
Answer: Back To The Future is my overall favorite movie.
Question: Do you watch anime? What’s your favorite?
Answer: Yes I love anime, my favorite is Hajime No Ippo.
Question: What’s the story you’re writing about?
Answer: In summary, a young boy receives ancient powers to defend the world from a tyrannical doctor.